What are you doing for Christmas?

Time is running out! Have you written all your Christmas cards? Decided who you are buying present for this year and what? What are the children and/or grandchildren into now? Where are those Christmas lights and why are they all tangled up again?

Of course the Christmas experience can be very different depending on each ones situation
The quintessential ‘happy family’ Christmas with everything running like clockwork, presents exactly what everyone wanted, excited but well behaved children, fabulous perfectly cooked and presented Christmas lunch, party games and so on is not everyone experience (does anyone actually manage to achieve this level of perfection?). For some, the financial burden of aspiring to this sort of Christmas is too much, for others, memories of Christmas’s past may bring sadness, for yet others, sitting alone with a ready meal watching the King’s Speech may be the extent of their Christmas. Or perhaps, children now live too far away and the best than can be hoped for is a phone call or for the tech savvy maybe Facetime or Zoom?

The thing is, Christmas doesn’t have to be according to what other people think it should be like or to conform to a media generated model. Why not create your own tradition whether it’s around a solitary Christmas or with friends or family? Nor does it have to cost an arm and a leg, however much advertising suggests that a ‘real Christmas’ means an expensive one.
And even if ‘church’ isn’t your thing why not take a break from the busyness and maybe experience the calm and emotion of a Christian Carol Service, Christingle, Midnight Communion or Christmas Morning Service?
Have a look at ‘What’s happening at All Saints’ and maybe join us for Christmas?