The run up to Christmas is pretty packed at All Saints
Saturday 7th December
Sunday 15th December2:30pm
‘The Shepherd’s Play‘
A unique re-enactment of the Christmas story in word and song by past staff and students of Michael House School.
It was a tradition going back many years that the students and staff of Michael House School would perform this play at the end of term. The school has closed but the tradition continues in its new home at All Saints.
Wednesday 18th December 6:00pm
Carols by Candlelight
The clue’s in the name! This is a very atmospheric traditional service of carols and Christmas readings led by an orchestra, no less, and including songs by ‘Rainbows’ (Junior Brownies)
Not to be missed! But if you really can’t make it, it is being recorded and will be available to watch on our Facebook page
Tuesday 24th December 3:00pm
Crafts and Christingle
Why not bring your children for a break from Christmas mayhem? Join in Christmas themed crafts and make a traditional Christingle. Top things off by a short service with well known carols.
Whatever your background, culture or faith, it’s very likely that you know at least something of the ‘Christmas Story’; the story of the baby Jesus, born in a stable and being visited by shepherds and by kings? It’s a lovely ‘cuddly’ story that never fails to produce a warm feeling in the hardest of hearts.
But is that all it is – a story?
Absolutely not and while it is true the version we all know and love is very sanitised. The unvarnished version is very different.
It all started in a ‘one-horse’ town called Nazareth in Galilee, a corner of the Middle East which at the time was part of the Roman Empire. A young girl, probably around 16 years old, has a surprise visitor – an angel called Gabriel. Now we don’t actually know what Gabriel looked like but it probably wasn’t some guy in very shiny white robes and giant wings as depicted in some pictures. Angels are messengers from God and generally speaking they are not instantly recognisable as such, so it seems likely that he looked to Mary like a pretty run of the mill individual. However, his message to her was anything but run of the mill. He announced himself by saying: “Greeting, you who are highly favoured, the Lord is with you”. In his Gospel, Luke records that ‘Mary was greatly troubled by his words’. I bet she was! God didn’t send angels to speak to teenage girls very often, to say the least! But Gabriel’s words were just the preamble. He went on to tell Mary that; she was favoured by God, she was going have a child, he would be a son, she would call him Jesus, he would be a king who’s kingdom would last forever. Whew! Some message.
When Mary had recovered from her initial shock, she pointed out to Gabriel that there was a bit of a snag – she was a virgin. Gabriel calmly informed her that that wasn’t a problem and that she would become pregnant, not in the usual way but by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Remarkably, Mary seemed to take this in her stride and simply replied :”I am the Lord’s servant”.
Now even in our modern society, for a young teenager to suddenly announce that she is pregnant is generally somewhat problematical, particularly when the father is unknown and not her boyfriend (Mary was engaged to be married). In Jewish society of the time, it was a disaster – the pregnant woman could even be stoned to death!
Amazingly, Joseph, her fiancé, after being spoken to by another (or maybe the same?) angel accepted Mary’s explanation.
So they all lived happily ever after?
Not a chance?
During the last month of Mary’s pregnancy, the Roman emperor had the bright idea of ensuring that the empire maximised its tax revenues, so he instructed that all adult men must return to their place of birth to be registered for tax. Now Joseph’s home town was Bethlehem, somewhat inconveniently, around ninety miles away from Nazareth. But how to get there? Well unless you could afford a horse or carriage, which Joseph most definitely couldn’t, the only option was to walk. Well that might have been an option for Joseph but not for Mary in her state, and he wasn’t about to leave for what would have been more than a week. Solution? Borrow a donkey. Anyone reading this who is or has been pregnant will testify that a ninety mile trip on the back of a donkey would not be much fun to say the least. And where would they spend the nights on the way? In all probability, huddled under blankets by the roadside, maybe with a fire to keep the chill off.
Things surely couldn’t get any worse could they? Yes they could and they were about to! Just outside Bethlehem, Mary went into labour. This was a long time before maternity hospitals, or any sort of hospitals for that matter, so Joseph went in search of some suitable accommodation in which Mary could give birth. Unfortunately no rooms could be found in any inn and time was running out. So, yes just as the story goes, Mary and Joseph found shelter in a stable. Now stables took all sorts of forms, some were caves, some lean-tos on the sides of houses or inns, some were little more than windbreaks. None of them were very hygienic, comfortable or warm but nevertheless it was in a stable of some sort that an exhausted, probably frightened and certainly in pain Mary gave birth to the baby Jesus.
All in all this whole episode was far from being an ideal start to family life and certainly was not how anyone would imagine the birth of a king.
And things didn’t get much better.
Yes there were certainly the portents of greatness; the visit of the shepherds directed by a host of angels and the gifts from kings who had travelled thousands of miles for this moment, but on the whole, things started tough and got tougher.
Why? What possible reason could God have to make things so difficult?
Jesus was Emmanuel, literally’ God with us’. If he was to show us the way back to God there could be no room for excuses. Jesus, the Son of God, had to live a truly human life, one that was as fraught as it could get. None of us could ever say: “ But it was alright for Jesus, he had it easy”.
Herod, the Roman’s puppet king of Israel, heard about this ‘new kid on the block’ and he wasn’t having any of it. He wasn’t having any challenge to his position so, after some research, he worked out that this ‘king’ had been born in Bethlehem some time over the past two years. But how to identify him? With great difficulty. So the solution? – Have all male children in Bethlehem under two years old killed! Unfortunately for Herod, Joseph had been warned in a dream to get his family out of there and escape from Herod’s clutches by becoming refugees in Egypt.
Christmas isn’t just a matter of the baby Jesus being born in Bethlehem. It all starts long before that.
In the beginning God caused the universe to be created
Now we don’t want to get into a debate about the Bible versus science. This is really a non-issue. Science researches and reveals the mechanisms by which things happen but not why. God created the universe as an act of will. That’s the point. The time frame and the how is interesting but not central.
In the vastness of this universe our solar system including our planet came into being and became populated by living organisms including humans. Again the time frame isn’t important in the context of this article. Humans are unique in that all creation, certainly as far as we know. In what way? We were created with the potential to become like God himself, God caused us to have; the ability of abstract reasoning, a perception of right and wrong, freewill to choose and, most of all, what we call a soul, the essence of what we are existing beyond our physical being.
That’s where the problems started. Rather than following God’s plan, human beings began to use their freewill to go their own way, to choose the ‘wrong’.
Now God hadn’t created us as some sort of celestial experiment. He was heavily invested in us and desperately wanted and continues to want us succeed and to ultimately become like Him. Throughout history God intervened numerous ways (these can all be found in the Old Testament section of the Bible) but they all ultimately failed and humanity continued on its course of self destruction. So finally God decided to do the job himself.
This is where Jesus comes in. God became Emmanuel, which means: ‘God with us’ in the form of a baby born the a poor couple in an obscure town in the tiny corner of the Roman Empire.
He did this for two reasons (1) to live as a human being to demonstrate how we should live our lives (2) to rebuild the bridge back to God so that we could get across the gulf we’d created.
But that’s all a later chapter
The whole initiative is summed up in one of the best know passages in the whole Bible:
God so loved the world that He sent His one and only son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but attain eternal life’.
Time is running out! Have you written all your Christmas cards? Decided who you are buying present for this year and what? What are the children and/or grandchildren into now? Where are those Christmas lights and why are they all tangled up again?
Of course the Christmas experience can be very different depending on each ones situation
The quintessential ‘happy family’ Christmas with everything running like clockwork, presents exactly what everyone wanted, excited but well behaved children, fabulous perfectly cooked and presented Christmas lunch, party games and so on is not everyone experience (does anyone actually manage to achieve this level of perfection?). For some, the financial burden of aspiring to this sort of Christmas is too much, for others, memories of Christmas’s past may bring sadness, for yet others, sitting alone with a ready meal watching the King’s Speech may be the extent of their Christmas. Or perhaps, children now live too far away and the best than can be hoped for is a phone call or for the tech savvy maybe Facetime or Zoom?
The thing is, Christmas doesn’t have to be according to what other people think it should be like or to conform to a media generated model. Why not create your own tradition whether it’s around a solitary Christmas or with friends or family? Nor does it have to cost an arm and a leg, however much advertising suggests that a ‘real Christmas’ means an expensive one.
And even if ‘church’ isn’t your thing why not take a break from the busyness and maybe experience the calm and emotion of a Christian Carol Service, Christingle, Midnight Communion or Christmas Morning Service?
Have a look at ‘What’s happening at All Saints’ and maybe join us for Christmas?
This carol is a Christmas favourite and is about a calm and bright silent night, and the wonder of a tender and mild new born child. The words were written in 1816 by a young priest in Austria, Joseph Mohr, not long after the Napoleonic wars had taken their toll. “The story is that the priest went for a walk before he wrote it, and he looked out over a very quiet, winter-laden town,” says composer/conductor John Conahan, and was inspired to write what originally was a poem. It was Christmas Eve, 1818, when the now-famous carol was first performed as Stille Nacht Heilige Nacht. Joseph Mohr, the young priest who wrote the lyrics, played the guitar and sang along with Franz Xaver Gruber, the choir director who had written the melody. An organ builder and repair man working at the church took a copy of the six-verse song to his home village. There, it was picked up and spread by two families of traveling folk singers, who performed around northern Europe. In 1834, the Strasser family performed it for the King of Prussia. In 1839, the Rainer family of singers debuted the carol outside Trinity Church in New York City. The composition evolved and was translated into over 300 languages with many different arrangements for various voices and ensembles. It was sung in churches, in town squares, even on the battlefield during World War I, when, during a temporary truce on Christmas Eve, soldiers sang carols from home. By 1914, the carol was known around the world, so was sung at the front simultaneously in French, German and English. Over the years, the carol has grown in popularity along with some mystery. After the original manuscript was lost some speculated that the music had been written by Haydn, Mozart or Beethoven. In 1994, an original manuscript was found in Mohr’s handwriting, with Gruber named as composer. The English version of “Silent Night” is typically sung in three verses.
Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright. ‘Round yon Virgin Mother and Child, Holy Infant so tender and mild. Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace.
Silent night, holy night! Shepherds quake at the sight! Glories stream from heaven afar, heavenly hosts sing Alleluia! Christ, the Saviour is born, Christ, the Saviour is born.
Silent night, holy night, Son of God, love’s pure light. Radiant beams from thy holy face, with the dawn of redeeming grace. Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth.
25th December started life as a pagan festival, the Roman celebration of Saturnalia, Instead of working the Romans spent their time gambling, singing, playing music, feasting, socializing and giving each other gifts. Wax taper candles called cerei were common gifts during Saturnalia, to signify light returning after the solstice. On his conversion to Christianity, the emperor Constantine declared that this festival would henceforth would be a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. The first recorded use of 25th December to celebrate Christ’s birth was in 336 AD. Since then most of the Western World has retained this date. There is absolutely no reason to believe that the 25th December is actually Jesus’ birthday.
So where did all our Christmas traditions come from? Actually many of these come from pre-Christian pagan practices;
Holly – this was sacred to Druids as a plant which withstood winter and had magical powers. Christians adopted holly with the berries symbolising the blood of Christ and the sharp leaves the crown of thorns worn at his crucifixion
Yule log – The custom of burning the Yule Log goes back to, and before, medieval times. It was originally a Nordic tradition. Yule is the name of the old Winter Solstice festivals in Scandinavia and other parts of northern Europe, such as Germany. The Yule Log was originally an entire tree, that was carefully chosen and brought into the house with great ceremony. The largest end of the log would be placed into the fire hearth while the rest of the tree stuck out into the room! The log would be lit from the remains of the previous year’s log which had been carefully stored away and slowly fed into the fire through the Twelve Days of Christmas. It was considered important that the re-lighting process was carried out by someone with clean hands. Nowadays, of course, most people have central heating so it is very difficult to burn a tree!
Mistletoe – Mistletoe is a plant that grows on range of trees including willow, apple and oak trees. The tradition of hanging it in the house supposedly goes back to the times of the ancient Druids; however, there’s little evidence that this happened. It is also meant to possess mystical powers which bring good luck to the household and wards off evil spirits. It was also used as a sign of love and friendship in Norse mythology. When the first Christians came to Western Europe, some tried to ban the use of Mistletoe as a decoration in churches, because of some of the old stories about it, but many still continued to use it! York Minster used to hold a special Mistletoe Service in the winter, where wrong doers in the city of York could come and be pardoned. The custom of kissing under Mistletoe comes from England. The earliest recorded date mentioning kissing under the mistletoe is in 1784 in a musical. There was kissing under the mistletoe in the illustrations in the first book version of ‘A Christmas Carol’ published in 1843, and this might have helped to popularise kissing under the mistletoe.
Christmas Tree – Each year at the time of the winter solstice, ancient Egyptians celebrated by decorating their temples and homes with evergreen trees and wreaths. The prosperous plant represented everlasting life, peace, and opulence, which was important because winter was a time when their sun god, Ra, was ill and weak, reports After the solstice, Ra would slowly start glowing brighter and stronger, and an evergreen’s immortality symbolized the triumph of life over death. The Egyptians weren’t the only ones bringing the plant indoors, though. In Scandinavia, the Vikings believed evergreens were special gifts from Balder, their god of light and peace. And the Druids, an ancient Celtic priesthood said to walk the line between the gods and mankind, started bringing evergreens into the home around the 8th century, AD. Before then, the Druids worshipped oak trees as their idol. But English Benedictine monk St. Boniface, a man who devoted his life to converting pagans, offered the Druids a triangular-shaped balsam fir tree as a symbol of the Trinity, and it went on to replace their beloved oaks. They then used evergreens to adorn their temples as a celebration of life without death, hanging mistletoe sprigs over their doorways and windows to ward off evil spirits of diseases. Though 16th-century German theologian and priest Martin Luther is famed for sparking the Protestant Reformation, he’s also credited with bringing the Christmas tree to Germany and introducing it to Christianity in the way that it’s known today.
It might seem that today’s Christmas celebrations are not much different from pagan festivals. But there is a difference! Entwined with all the party-going, excesses and shadows of long dead pagan religions is the reality that a little over 2000 years ago God, the creator of the universe came among us as a baby – Jesus. Emmanuel, God with us. A perpetual light in a darkened world
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