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So what is Lent all about?

Lent, the forty days in the Christian year that lead up to Easter, is a valuable time for Christians. The word “Lent” comes from a variety of Anglo-Saxon and Germanic words meaning “spring”, a time budding with new life and hope. For Christians, Lent is not a celebration of nature; rather, it is a process of prayer and spiritual renewal looking to a time budding with new spiritual life and hope. The Lenten season is an opportunity to cultivate the interior life through spiritual exercises and practices.
In the early church new believers were baptized into its fellowship once a year on Easter Sunday. Leading up to their baptism a period was set aside for their preparation. In their baptism they would signify their death to the power of evil and their call to be risen into new life in Christ, who overcame the power of death on the first Easter. In time the whole community of the faithful came to experience this season as a time for growth in faithful discipleship. Lent emerged as a time when both new converts, as well as the body of believers, would join more closely with the living, dying and rising of Jesus. Thus in today’s Church, as in the early Church, Lent is meant to be experienced as a time for the making of disciples.
Rather than being seen as a forty day endurance test, Lent is a quality season. It is a time of rediscovery, a golden chance to open ourselves more deeply to the beauty and power of the dying and rising to new life in Jesus. It is a time to ponder the reality of the death and resurrection and to allow it to soak into our deepest parts.

Lent is the time for new life and hope, a time for, self-examination, an opportunity for us as individuals to recognise our need for God, to pause a little in our busy lives and focus on our creator and redeemer.

Through the centuries, Lent became characterised by practices which typify the meaning of this season. One of these is prayer. Lent invites us to step aside from the busyness of our daily life, the many things that clutter and crowd our life in order to get in touch with the self and at a deeper level, with the Spirit of God within. Essentially, prayer is attention to God; it places us in a posture of listening. Amidst all the noise and tumult of our daily life, Lent encourages us to experience a new depth of prayer, an authentic attentiveness to God through which we learn to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.
A second practice associated with this season is fasting. Fasting signifies a willingness to free ourselves from the desires, ambitions and pursuits that center on the demands of the self. It points to a willingness to be freed from the self-centeredness that drives so much of our life in order to experience more fully the liberating power of Christ. Fasting reminds us of the truth that the deepest hunger in our lives must be the hunger for God.
A  third practice is giving. True hunger for God leads to the giving of ourselves to others. Lent calls us to a greater compassion for others, especially the poor and needy. It invites us to examine ourselves honestly on how subtly we have accepted society’s addiction to possessions, to affluence. Through the days of Lent we are encouraged to focus our eyes on Jesus who gave his whole life in faithfulness to God, giving his life totally out of love for all. As we keep that clear focus we join our life in the loving intention of Jesus to give himself for all.
Lent is a shining opportunity for experiencing “ the unsearchable riches of Christ”, a time for spiritual growth so that we might walk in newness of life. Let us determine how we can take advantage of this opportunity and then dedicate ourselves wholeheartedly to our Lenten practice.
Some Ideas For Observing Lent Prayer

Take a daily “Time Out” for God.
 Go to a quiet place, light a candle and:
Read the Bible;
Read a book about God;
Write a thankfulness journal;
Spend time listening to God, rather than speaking to Him.

Set aside one day a week on which you will go without something you enjoy it might be a meal (only do this if you have no medical condition that means you need to keep to a diet) or a favourite TV programme, and spend an equivalent time intentionally seeking God’s presence with you.

Give something away to those in need for example,
Donate the money saved and time saved from fasting
Bring non-perishable food items to a place where they will be taken to the Food Banks for the needy;
Give money to Lenten outreach projects;
Call someone who is unable to get out, ill, alone, or otherwise needs a friendly chat. 

The run up to Lent

Shrove tuesday (Pancake day) Shrove Tuesday is the day immediately preceding Ash wednesdayShrove is derived from the word shrive and refers to the confession of sins as a preparation for Lent. This goes back to the middle ages in Europe. Depending on the date of easter it occurs between February 2nd and the 9th March. Although the day is sometimes still used for self-examination and introspection, Shrove Tuesday eventually acquired the character of a carnival or festival in many places and is often celebrated with parades.As the final day before Lent when fasting becomes a feature in the church, Shrove Tuesday also has many customs connected to food. Pancakes are traditional in a number of European countries because eggs, sugar, and fat, are used up so they will not go to waste; the day is known as Pancake Day or Pancake Tuesday in Ireland. Similarly rich pre lenten treats, sweet pa̡czki are traditional in Poland,  and king cake is an iconic feature of  Mardi Gras (“Fat Tuesday”) In New Orleans.

What Happens on Ash Wednesday?

There is usually a service which is quite  reflective, often the services will have periods of silence. We are holding a service at 2pm in All Saints.  During the service  the congregation will be invited to receive the ashes on their foreheads. Usually, the vicar will dip his/her finger into the ashes, spread them in a cross pattern on the forehead, and say, “From dust you came and from dust you will return.”

In some towns and villages church leaders may go into the streets and offer passers by a prayer and/or the the sign of the cross in ashes on their forehead

Source and Meaning of the Ashes

The ashes are prepared by burning palm branches from the previous years Palm Sundays service. On Palm Sunday, churches bless and hand out palm branches to attendees, referencing the Gospels’ account of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, when onlookers lay palm branches on his path.

The ashes of this holiday symbolize two main things: death and repentance. “Ashes are equivalent to dust, and human flesh is composed of dust or clay (Genesis 2; 7), and when a human corpse decomposes, it returns to dust or ash.”

“When we come forward to receive ashes on Ash Wednesday, we are saying that we are sorry for our sins and that we want to use the season of Lent to correct our faults, purify our hearts, control our desires and grow in holiness so we will be prepared to celebrate Easter with great joy” 

What’s the point of marriage?

After much deliberation the Church of England has now decreed that marriage is a union between a man and a woman and therefore single sex marriage services may not be held in the Church of England.  However, the blessing of civil marriages will be allowed. Needless to say, this will not please everyone.

But what is the point of marriage anyway?

To answer this question we need to lookback in time – a long way back, some thousands of years.

In the past, marriage endowed a number of things;

  • The legitimisation of children – Children born within wedlock had certain privileges. They took the family name, they were automatically their parent’s heirs, they were entitled to the care and protection of their parents. Illegitimate children had none of these privileges. Worse than that, the informal description of bas***d became a synonym for someone who was untrustworthy.
  •  Maintaining the blood line – In many societies maintaining the purity of the bloodline was important as families took great store in tracing their lineage back to patriarchal ancestors. This could only be done via legitimate children.
  • Social interaction – in many societies, although men and women could freely associate with their own sex, while unmarried, interaction with the opposite sex was very controlled and limited.
  • Intimacy – Intimate relations between a man and a woman were absolutely forbidden and for a woman in particular, breaking this norm would very likely ruin any chance of marriage in the future.
  • Mutual care and companionship – In highly ordered societies, spontaneous shows of affection were discouraged outside marriage and in public. Care in the sense of looking after and providing for was an obligation of family. Thus parents had an obligation to care for their legitimate children until they became adults and children were expected to reciprocate when their parents became elderly.

This was the status quo for hundreds of generations and in Western society remained more or less unchanged until relatively recent times. But what about now?

Although not universally the case, predominantly in western society, children born out of wedlock have the same rights as those born after marriage. There may be some exceptions to this such as claims to inherited titles but on the whole illegitimate and legitimate children have equal status and rights and any stigma attached to illegitimacy has all but disappeared entirely. Similarly with bloodlines, most of us, even the most ardent followers of family trees, are generally indifferent to whether a branch is legitimate or illegitimate. In our society there is no limit whatsoever to social interaction between the sexes and indeed intimacy with multiple partners before marriage is now so common as to be considered the norm. Certainly a history of promiscuity is rarely a barrier to a future monogamous relationship whether by marriage or civil partnership. Although mutual care within a family environment remains widespread, there are state safeguards in place for when  these environments break down, so the imperative of using marriage as an assurance of support is less important than in the past.

So is marriage just a relic of the past and of no relevance to modern society?

Although some of the past imperatives for marriage no longer exist there is still a strong case for it.

The findings of extensive academic research does show that partnerships and families based on marriage are the most successful form of relationship in terms of the wellbeing of children and the longevity of the partnership. That is not to say that all marriages are successful or that they last ‘until death us do part’. In fact more than 1 in 3 marriages end in divorce at some stage but the odds are much better than unmarried partnerships. Our society also recognises the ‘sanctity of marriage’ and although marriage vows of exclusivity are broken, to do so is to break the norms that our society recognises are important.

For Christian’s a marriage involves a vow before witnesses and more importantly, before God that the couple intend to stay married until one of them dies. Not all Christian marriages survive but from the beginning the expectation is that they will. A civil ceremony will not invoke God or any deity but is as its name suggests simply a civil contract between two people. In UK law this contract may be between any two adults of whatever gender. The Christian Church does, however, not take its guidance let alone instruction from whatever norms society as a whole think are appropriate at any given time but from scripture (the Bible) from which it takes its authority.  An imperative from those scriptures is that we should treat one another as we would wish to be treated and we should certainly not be too hasty to condemn others or treat them with disdain. But that does not mean that we should subvert Bible teaching in doing so. There is no justification for or examples of same sex marriages throughout the 66 books of the Bible. A marriage by definition is a binding commitment between a man and a woman. The church and indeed all Christians should be compassionate towards a society that thinks differently but the Church of England is absolutely right in forbidding the holding of same sex marriages within its buildings and by its ministers.  Should civil marriages be blessed? Even this seems somewhat counterintuitive – if a marriage has been conducted in a manner that is unacceptable to the church then how can that same church offer a blessing for it? On the other hand, has the church the right to withhold a blessing for anyone who asks for it? –In the final analysis it is God who blesses or withholds a blessing not us. We are but His agents. On balance the Church of England seems to have got it right.

What is Epiphany?

On January 6th you may have seen on church doors or on houses of Christians a mysterious series of letters and numbers, looking for all the world like an equation, inscribed in chalk over a doorway. It is often seen on churches of the more catholic tradition of the church.

If you don’t know what the chalk is all about, don’t you are certainly not alone

Epiphany; which can also be known as Twelfth Night, Theophany, or Three Kings Day is the time that marks the occasion of a time-honoured Christian tradition of “chalking the doors.” The formula for the ritual — adapted for 2023 — is simple: take chalk of any colour and write the following above the entrance of your home: 20 + C + M + B + 23.

The letters have two meanings. First, they represent the initials of the Magi (wise men) who tradition say were called Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar — who came to visit Jesus. They also abbreviate the Latin phrase, Christus mansionem benedicat: “May Christ bless the house.” The “+” signs represent the cross, and the “20” at the beginning and the “23” at the end mark the year.

Taken together, this inscription is performed as a prayer for Jesus to bless those homes marked in this way and asks that Jesus stay with those who enter the house throughout the entire year.

The chalking of the doors is a centuries-old practice which is used throughout the world, It is, however, an easy tradition to adopt, and a great practice to dedicate the year to God from its very outset, asking His blessing on our homes and on all who live, work, or visit them there.

The timing for the chalking of the doors varies somewhat in practice. In some places, it is done on New Year’s Day. More commonly, it is performed on the traditional Feast of the Epiphany — the Twelfth Day of Christmas (6th January). Traditionally the blessing is done by either a priest or the   head of the family. This blessing can be performed simply by just writing the inscription and offering a short prayer, or more elaborately, including songs, prayers, processions, the burning of incense, and the sprinkling of holy water.

Have you thought of asking God to bless your home and family? You do not need chalk or wait until January the 6th although you may want to start the year this way. You can ask God in prayer any day of the year at any time to do this. Words can be your own or a written prayer such as the Celtic prayer below.

Loving God

Bless this house and those within.
Bless our giving and receiving.
Bless our words and conversation.
Bless our hands and recreation.
Bless our sowing and our growing.
Bless our coming and our going.
Bless all who enter and depart.
Bless this house, your peace impart. Amen

If you want to talk to us about prayer, then why not ask us?

Karen Padley

Carols by Candlelight

At All Saints we have a tradition of holding a Carol Service by candlelight and involving as may people from all parts of the community as possible. Lessons are read by children and adults from as young as 6 to octogenarians. Where readers are unable to join us in person we use videos of them reading in their homes. The music is lead by an orchestra drawn from the community together with a choir and organ. And the whole service s rcorded and posted on our facebook page.

Why not experience our Carol Service yourself ? Go to our Facebookpage

So what is a ‘Christingle’?

Christingle celebrations have been taking place for over 50 years. The Children’s Society first Christingle service took place at Lincoln Cathedral in 1968, but Christingles themselves go back much further to the Moravian church in Germany.

At a children’s service in Marienborn in 1747, Bishop Johannes de Watteville looked for a simple way to explain the happiness that had come to people through Jesus, and created a symbol — the Christingle — to do this.

Christingle  services are joyful celebrations that brings families and communities together to share the light of Jesus and spread a message of hope.

Christingle celebrations are named after the Christingles that are lit during the service. Christingles are oranges wrapped in red tape, decorated with dried fruit or sweets, with a candle on the top.

Christingles are usually held from the end of November through to February (Advent to Candlemas), with Christmas Eve being a particularly popular time for services. The one at All Saints Church Marlpool is Held on Christmas Eve.

During the service, each person takes a Christingle and the candles are all lit as they are lit the light they give symbolising the light of Christ and bringing hope to people living in darkness.

Each element of a Christingle has a special meaning and helps to tell the Christian story:

  • The orange represents the world
  • The red ribbon (or tape) symbolises the love and blood of Christ
  • The sweets and dried fruit represent all of God’s creations
  • The lit candle represents Jesus’s light in the world, bringing hope to people living in darkness.

We use any collection we get to support the work of the Children’s Society

And the Children’ Society?

The Children’s Society provide specialist support that empowers young people to make positive changes and rediscover their hope. Children want a future they can look forward to and the society are there to make sure they get it. Working alongside young people, their families and community, they will not rest until together, step-by-step, they have created a society built for all children.

Young people come to the society when they have low self-esteem. When they’re living in families who can’t afford the next meal, the next size up in school uniform. Or when there’s no one else to lean on.

Refugee and migrant children land in this country alone and look to The Children’s Society for guidance to achieve the life they dreamed of. To have a settled home, a secure job and starting a family. They’re not asking for too much.

The Children’s Society see teenagers in their services who want to quit using drugs or alcohol. Who are looking after mum, dad, or their siblings more than they bargained for. Or who have been taken advantage of and find themselves carrying drugs to far away towns, or having sex with strangers. 

Often, the hope inside them has taken a battering, it might only be hanging by a thread. But the society  know it’s there. 

Young people come to the The Children’s Society when they need someone to talk to, for therapy, sometimes just a bite to eat. To help with their court case, to talk to their mum, social services, their teacher, to sometimes not talk at all. We work with young people for as long as it takes and we’re with them no matter what.

They also listen to their needs and campaign and lobby on their behalf. We want to make sure they are heard at local and nation government level. They know better than anyone what will make all the difference.

The Children’s Society take inspiration from the courage and hope we see in young people every day, fuelling our belief that a good childhood is something every young person deserves. 

For more information check out the Children’s Society webebsite The Children’s Society | UK children’s charity (

The times they are a changin’

At All Saints church we thought we could use our entrance hall to show what each month offers us.
October brings the beautiful rich colours of trees in our gardens, parks and countryside. We offer our
ripe produce at harvest to our community, to local people, whether those in need using food banks
or just to show someone cares. The children dress up and enjoy Halloween, the pumpkins outside
houses giving a clue to where they will be welcome for trick or treat.
November turns misty and this year so much rain, and people worry about floods after the dry
summer. We have the excitement of bonfires and fireworks, both for Guy Fawkes and Divali. For
some people the noise can be too much, the fireworks are much louder these days, and they worry
about their pets. It seems that every time some group enjoys themselves another set are annoyed.
Compromise in a community can be difficult.
Remembrance Sunday is commemorated in November. Poppies are produced and on show
everywhere. We can’t just think about the two world wars. In every news bulletin we are reminded
that there is civil war in all parts of the world at this very moment.
December brings Christmas. Again I find controversy; Is it too early to put gifts and decorations in
the shops and garden centres? Is it just money-making or does it help to keep businesses alive? Does
it help families spread the cost? Have we forgotten why we have Christmas? Food and drink are
part of all religious festivals and Jesus attended a wedding feast with an excess of wine which the
guests drank dry.
We can enjoy our family time, presents and food, and still remember why we are celebrating.

Questions, questions, questions!

A while back All Saints ran a questionnaire to understand better how we relate to the community and as a feed into our ‘Mission Action Planning’, where we should be concentration over the next two years. We kept the questionnaire short – just 10 questions (many of us will have been asked to complete questionnaires on a variety of subjects with an interminable number of questions  – we were determined to avoid that!)

Here are the results:

Q1. What is your connection with All Saints?

I’ve been to weddings/funerals/baptisms28
I come to special service (e.g.. Carol service)9.6
I join in Sunday Services around once per month0.8
I join in Sunday services most weeks8.0
I know someone who has a connection13.6
I’ve noticed displays outside church13.6
I see it on social media4.0
I rarely/ever come to services but I join in other activities5.6

Q2.Whch if any of these groups that meet at All Saints have you: heard of, attended, would be interested in?

Percentages for each answer would not be very helpful so are not included but around 20% of responders had not even heard of any of the groups.

Q3. What do you think the church is?

A community facility33.1
A Christian community24.5
A place for services17.9
Somewhere for people to pray22.5

Q4. What might encourage you to be more involved with All Saints Church?

More convenient service times1.6
Someone inviting me/coming with me15.6
More interesting services/activities15.6
Services/activities which are more relevant to me18.8
None of the above48.4

Q5. How could we help you to be more involved?

Have more social events38.7
Hold discussion groups where I can ask questions and tell you what I think13.3
Communicate better what’s happening22.7
Have someone I can talk to in confidence5.3
Make the building more available to the community20.0

Q6. How well do you think All Saints represents Christianity?

Very well25.7
Fairly well33.8
Not at all0.0
Don’t know39.2

Q6. How well do you think All Saints serves the community of Marlpool?

Very well25.0
Fairly well37.5
Not at all1,4
Don’t know31.9

Q7. How well do you think All Saints serves the community of Marlpool?

Social Media20.2
Word of mouth35.4

Q8. How do you find out what’s happening at All Saints?

Social Media20.2
Word of mouth35.4

Q9. Which of the following best describes what you think about church

It is not a welcoming environment6.8
Church is boring1.4
It’s a place to ask questions6.8
I don’t understand what church is about1.4
I feel I belong14.9
Christianity is not relevant to me23.0
I’m afraid I won’t fit in6.8
I can meet God there16.2
It’s somewhere I can find help12.2
I’d like to know more10.8

Q10. To which age group do you belong?

Under 185.3

Do you live:

With a partner29.7
As part of a family31.1
A single parent8.1

That’s the easy bit! Now we begin the process of interpreting the responses and using them as a start point for moving forward. Our thanks to all those who responded to questionnaire. We’ll be posing updates in and elsewhere  as we plan the way ahead and, more importantly, act on those plans.

We will remember them

Remembrance Sunday is the Sunday nearest to 11th November. It was orignally inaugurated to remember those who died in World War I, which formally ended on 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. Despite this war being proclaimed as: ‘the war to end all wars’, unfortunaltey it wasn’t. Today we also remember those who have also died in more recent coflicts from World War II onwards.

From the beginning poppies have been the symbol of remembrance taken from the poppies growing in Flanders where several WWI battles were fought. Traditionally poppies are red, the normal natural colour of poppies and a symbol of the blood thet was shed. More recently, other colours are someties worn: Black commemorates the contributions of black, African and Caribbean communities to the war effort – as servicemen and servicewomen, and as civilians, Purple is often worn to remember animals that have been the victims of war, White poppies are sometimes worn by people who feel that the red poppy glorifies war. The white poppy is stll intended to commemorate those who have died in conflict but challenges us all to focus on avoiding was and achieving peace.

At all Saints, each year we create a display outside the church building, as you can see in the picture below and invtte anyone and everyone to add a poppy of any colour and of any constructon. Some are bought, some are knitted, some are made of paper and others of out of plastic bottles.

A personal message from Ukraine

The Ukrainian war and the atrocities it has shown us prays on our mind. We ask difficult questions of ourselves, the world and God to which there are no easy answers.

As a church we have contact with a church in Kyiv. They worship to the sounds of air raids and bombs. They serve their neighbours and are living lives in the storm of war. They sleep in their bomb shelters and blog daily about their faith and their lives.  This is some of what Maia, one of the leaders, has written about God’s care in the midst of war following the birth of her granddaughter. 

‘Nights even after 26 days of war still signify danger and bring fears – most bombings happen at night. This is a special time of the day for us to keep reminding ourselves of God’s goodness, His protection, and provision.

Days before the war I saw it in my nightmares how we would be evacuating from Kyiv, under bombings, possibly on foot through snowy fields with our pregnant Sasha, trying to get to a village 60 km from Kyiv. Of course, it turned out that with Russian invaders coming close to Kyiv and occupying suburbs and villages those places turned into battlefields. We are grateful that when the war started God gave us the wisdom to stay in the city.

During the first days of the war, we heard a lot of reports of women giving birth to babies in bomb shelters and women not having milk to nurse because of stress. Those stories fuelled my next portion of nightmares. We had never thought of buying any baby formula ahead of time! Our granddaughter was going to nurse. Just as I was getting worked up about finding where we could get formula. I got a call from a volunteer with who we had worked in Eastern Ukraine when we took humanitarian aid there in 2014-18. She said she was focused on helping our military but she had some baby diapers and formula that needed to be distributed and she asked if our church could help with distribution. God didn’t only assure me that He will take care of our grandbaby but He also tasked us with helping others!

My big fear was that Sasha would have to go to the hospital at night, during curfew and air raid. Then the baby action came. And it was night, a curfew and air raid. While Sasha waited for contractions to become more frequent we started hearing loud explosions. Before it got worse Nikita called the ambulance, it arrived very quickly and we watched how it took Sasha and Nikita on an absolutely empty road to the hospital towards the sounds of explosions.

Later that morning hospital insisted that Nikita leaves till a more active phase of labor. Meanwhile situation around Kyiv was getting worse and it was announced that a curfew would start that evening for 48 hours. If Nikita didn’t get in the hospital before curfew Sasha would be alone through the birth and after. The explosions were much more audible near the hospital. I can’t imagine how scary it was for Sasha to be alone. Around lunch time I asked Nikita how Sasha was doing, he said she was crying, I could see Nikita was on verge of tears too. I went to the bedroom and cried.

Some days a while ago we had started sharing our lunches and dinners with our concierge – she is still serving as our “security guard” 24/7. So I took lunch to her that day and on the way back I was coming in the elevator with a neighbour who asked how we were doing. I started telling about Sasha and Nikita and broke into tears. He didn’t go to his floor, came out of the elevator on ours. He started making phone calls and didn’t give up for 2 or 3 hours until he found the head doctor who allowed Nikita to get into the hospital and be with Sasha before, during, and after Briana’s birth.

You know, how in my nightmares I was imagining that Sasha would give birth in a snowy field under bombings, or in a bomb shelter, or even at home. But God took care of everything! She was in a good hospital, had an excellent doctor, and Sasha, Nikita, and Bria were given the best room. They also had very good food – now because relatives are not allowed to bring food, restaurants are donating a variety of wonderful meals to hospitals. The nights Sasha and Nikita spent at the hospital were more comfortable than at home – they got to sleep in the bed, rather than on the floor in our bomb shelter.

Yesterday they also found a very good private paediatric clinic close by. The doctors in this clinic didn’t leave Kyiv! They are currently not charging anything – people can pay what they are able to or have services for free.

God has been so good and so faithful every step of our way through this valley of shadow!’

In the midst of war they are very aware of God. God is at work here too, in the immense relief effort, in collections, in fundraising efforts, in the offering of homes for refugees and in prayer as we join with the church across the world in praying for peace.

Join with us as we pray for the situation. You may like to use this prayer or follow Maia on this link (1) Maia Mikhaluk | Facebook

God of peace and justice,
we pray for the people of Ukraine today.
We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons.
We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow,
that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them.
We pray for those with power over war or peace,
for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions.
Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear,
that you would hold and protect them.
We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.


A picture of hope in a darkened world