Category: What’s Happening at All Saints

Barn Dance

Never been to a Barn Dance? Can’t dance? The big advantage about this sort of dance is that the majority of us either don’t know the steps or have forgotten them. Every dance is demonstrated before hand and the ‘caller’ guides us throughout the dance . It really is fun for all ages.

Check out the poster below for details

Do you need some space?

From the outside, All Saints church may look like any number of other churches. But inside it is Tardis like!

Let’s begin on the first floor. Up one flight of stairs is the hall. This is an ideal space for any number of activities and, depending on the usage, can accommodate up to around 60 people. Although it can’t compete with the Blackpool Tower Ballroom, the hall does have a slightly sprung floor so is ideal for dance classes, tea dances, barn dances and the like as well as keep fit, Zumba and similar. Attached to the hall is a fully fitted kitchen so catering for parties and group meals is not a problem. There is also a disability access toilet on the same floor.  Need space for a formal meeting? The hall has good acoustics for speech and there are tables and chairs available. Is it warm enough? – The hall is in effect a ‘pod’ within the main building. It has a well insulated ceiling and a central heating system independent of the rest of the building.

On the ground floor, there are four rooms of various sizes; the smallest is the ‘Tower Room’. This is a cosy room set out with sofas and chairs and is ideal for small meetings or one-to-one sessions. Next is the ‘Meeting Room’ which is approximately 4.5 m x 4.5m and will comfortably hold around twelve people. There is a piano in this room so it could be used for a rehearsal space for a small choir or music ensemble.

Then there is the ‘Narthex’ (yes I know – what does that mean? It’s a churchy word meaning a space separate from the main church area – blame the architect!).  This is a long thin area but is actually bigger than it looks. it is connected to a small kitchenette and has an adjacent disability access toilet. There is also a piano in this space.

And finally, there is the main body of the church. This will hold 150+ people and has superb musical acoustics so is ideal for performance by choirs, orchestras, bands and other forms of performance as well as large meetings (there is a sound reinforcement and loop system).  There is a third toilet in the entrance hall. Oh, and there is yet another piano in the area as well as a very good pipe organ.

If you think that you could make use of any of these spaces then please get in touch. There is a set range of charges depending on the space required but we also want to make the building available as a community facility as far as possible. To this end, we are prepared to discount room charges for non-profit activates and for start-up initiatives.

If you are interested in using any of our rooms please get in touch with Janice by email:, ring the church office on:  07756 555101 or messages us on Facebook (you’ll find the link on the home page).

Story Swappers

Story Swappers is an informal group which meets together every Tuesday at around 2:30pm. There is no leader or agenda, just a group meeting together to exchange experiences, stories, jokes or whatever over a cup of coffee or tea and in all probability biscuits and./or cake. Anyone and everyone is welcome..

For more information ring or text Janice on 07918 177376 or call the church office on 07756 555101


Rainbows is the most junior branch of the Guiding organisation catering for girls aged between 4 and 7 years.

At Rainbows the children learn new skills, obtain badges when they reach a level of expertise and most important of all, have fun together in a safe environment with trained leaders and volunteers.

A branch of Rainbows meets weekly at All Saints on Wednesday evenings between 6:00 and 7:00pm.

For more details go to: Rainbows (4-7) | Girlguiding

Fun Hub

Some Fun Hub artwork

Fun Hub meets on Tuesday afternoons in term time from 3:45 until 4:45pm It is aimed at children of primary school age but  younger and older siblings are welcome to join in.(in the case of younger children we ask that a responsible adult stays with them.

Parents and carers are welcome to stay and get involved and many do, which makes it a real family affair.

We do a variety of things including crafts, cooking, games and trips out. No two sessions are the same but all do have a  Christian ethos and we look at Christian themes and stories.

Whatever we are doing, there is a warm welcome for everyone and the keyword is fun!!

Jonah and the Whale