Christianity? Islam? What’s the difference?

The majority of Christians, certainly in the west, have very little understanding of Islam and the population in general probably have less understanding of Christianity that we may think. Below is a comparison of the two faiths albeit from a Christian perspective (a Muslim might take issue with some of this)
THE QURAN has 114 chapters and is of similar size to the New Testament. Muslims believe that the Quran is uncreated and eternally preserved on a tablet in Heaven called the ‘Mother of the Book’. This was communicated word for word to Mohammed in Arabic over a period of 23 years by the angel Gabriel sent by Allah. It is considered to be the ultimate error-free authority on Islam. Muslims believe that the Quran is the final revelation of Allah to mankind after the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament, attributed to Moses), the Psalms of David and the Gospels. Muslims regard these scriptures, other than the Quran to have been corrupted by Jews and Christians over time. Muslims believe that the Bible has been superseded by the Quran. | THE BIBLE Consists of 66 books written over a period of 1,400 years by over 40 authors. They wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit – they are ‘God breathed’. The Bible is considered to be the Word of God and is the ultimate authority for Christians. However, the Bible has been translated from the original Hebrew and Greek texts into many different languages. This is not a simple task and some degree of interpretation is required. |
ALLAH God is known an Allah. He is ‘Allah, the one and only’. Allah stands alone he has no equal partner | GOD Christians take the generic ‘god’ and by capitalising the ‘G’ make ‘God’ a specific and unique term for the creator and ruler of the universe. God is so indescribable that Christians refer to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirt but it is absolutely fundament to Christianity that there is only One God |
ALLAH Is not a God of love He does not love sinners | GOD IS LOVE. He loves everyone with an unimaginable love and throughout history He has strived to save every individual, ultimately becoming human in the form of Jesus |
ALLAH is not Father He is unknowable and would never be referred to as father | GOD IS FATHER. God has adopted all who believe in Jesus as His children. He is not only knowable but each one of us has direct access to Him through prayer |
ALLAH is the creator of the world (universe) | GOD is the creator and sustainer of the world (universe) NOTE: Many Christian do not see the scientific theories of creation as contradictory to Christianity. God created the world as an act of will. Science is about the mechanism by which this came about. |
ALLAH has not revealed himself to mankind Allah predetermines everything, the destiny of creation is fixed. He determines all according to his mercy, both good and evil | GOD has revealed himself to mankind in person (Jesus). God has an ultimate plan for creation but individuals have freewill and can choose good or bad. |
JESUS does feature in the Quran – he is called Isa and is sometimes referred to as Isa son of Mary. He is recognised as a prophet but a servant of Allah not co-equal to him. | JESUS is referred to by many different titles in the Bible but in all of them He is recognised as Emmanuel, God with us. God come to earth in person |
VIRGIN BIRTH Jesus was born to the virgin Mary and was fully human | VIRGIN BIRTH Jesus was born to the virgin Mary and was fully human. |
JESUS IS NOT THE SON OF GOD | JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD. He was fully human and fully divine |
JESUS IS A PROPHET He was a great prophet sent by Allah. He announces Muhammed as the next and last prophet | JESUS IS THE FULFILMENT OF THE PROPHETS He fulfils both the law (as given to Moses) and the prophesies from the Old Testament |
JESUS PERFORMED MIRACLES Muslims believe that Jesus was a miracle worker | JESUS PERFORMED MIRACLES. Jesus performed many miracles, including raising the dead. These are recorded in the Gospels |
JESUS DID NOT DIE ON THE CROSS OR RISE FROM THE DEAD Muslims believe that another man died in his place | JESUS DIED ON THE CROSS AND ROSE AGAIN. This is fundamental to Christianity; that Jesus died on the cross as atonement for the sins of mankind and on the third day He rose from the dead |
JESUS ASCENDED INTO HEAVEN. Muslims believe that Jesus ascended and will one day return | JESUS ASCENDED INTO HEAVEN. Christians believe that Jesus ascended to God the Father and will one day return |
JESU WILL RETURN BUT AS A MUSLIM. He will return to earth at the second coming, get married and have children and will convert all Christians to Islam. | JESUS WILL COME AGAIN at the end of time as king and judge |
THE HOLY SPIRIT The Quran refers only vaguely to the Holy Spirit and identifies him with the angel Gabriel | THE HOLY SPIRIT. To Christians is God, as part of the Trinity; three persons in one God |
There are other similarities and differences, some fundamental and irreconcilable, but hopefully the above gives some insight into how, despite having some similarities, Christianity and Islam are very different religions.