Prayer – Where to start?
Where do I begin? With a prayer, a plea, or just a simple hello? I guess it doesn’t really matter, since you already know what’s in my heart before the words even reach my lips.
I want to start by thanking you. Thank you for this beautiful life, with all its twists and turns, ups and downs. Thank you for the people you’ve put in my life — family, friends, teachers, strangers — who have shaped me into who I am. Their kindness, wisdom, laughter, and love have gotten me through so much.
Thank you for the talents and abilities you’ve given me, however small they may be. I may not be the best singer, the greatest athlete, or the most eloquent speaker, but I appreciate whatever gifts I have, and I want to nurture them.
Thank you for the opportunities I’ve been given. For education, for travel, for experiences that have expanded my mind and shown me more of this amazing world you created. I know so many are not nearly as fortunate, so I do not take these blessings lightly.
Most of all, thank you for being there in both triumph and tragedy. In times of joy, when I’ve accomplished a goal or had an adventure, you were there celebrating with me. And in times of heartbreak, when I felt lost, alone, and afraid, you were right there next to me, lifting me up with your unconditional love and showing me the way forward one step at a time.
I’m grateful for each day you give me on this earth. For another sunrise peeking over the horizon. For another chance to live, learn, and grow. I know life is fragile and fleeting, so thank you for this gift.
Yet still I come to you with all my human flaws. Searching, striving, struggling, hoping. Falling down and wondering if I’ll ever have the strength to stand back up. Questioning who I am, why I’m here, and what my purpose could possibly be in this vast universe of yours.
In my darkest moments, when I feel utterly alone, give me the courage to remember that I’m never truly alone because you are always there beside me. Holding my hand, guiding me home.
In times of anger, when I’m blinded by rage at the injustices of this world, reminds me that darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only your light and love can illuminate the shadows. Calm the tempests that batter my heart and give me the wisdom and compassion to be an instrument of change.
When I feel worthless, broken, disenchanted, and begin to believe the lies that I have nothing to offer, speak truth into my heart. Remind me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in your image. That I have a purpose here. Help me hear my calling above the noise and negativity of the world.
Forgive me for my many sins. For harboring anger and hatred when I should show mercy. For apathy when I should care. For selfishness when I should give freely. You know I am imperfect, yet you love me still. Help me reflect your light each day through kind words and selfless acts.
Guide me to build deeper connections with others. In my relationships, give me the wisdom to speak the truth with compassion. Help me see each person as the complex, beautiful child you made them to be, not simply the mask they wear on the surface. Teach me to love unconditionally.
God, when I face trials that feel too heavy for me to bear, let me remember that I never walk alone. You can see the path ahead even when all I see is darkness. Give me the faith to take things one day at a time, trusting that the sun will rise again. Help me to surrender my anxieties and burdens to your infinite strength.
As I lie down to sleep tonight, I pray that you will grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
But most of all, I pray for joy. I pray that I will wake each morning with joy in my heart, eager for whatever adventures the day may bring. I pray that I will nurture an attitude of gratitude through all of life’s ups and downs. And I pray that each night when I rest my head down, I will have joy in the memories made that day.
This is what I ask of you, God: Help me live my one life fully. Give me the strength to pursue my dreams wholeheartedly, without fear or hesitation. In each moment, help me show compassion to others and live in a way that reflects your light.
I know the road won’t always be easy, but you will be walking right beside me each step of the way. And for that promise, that faithful, unwavering love, I am forever grateful.